Drop-In Class Rate
We recognise that some students prefer to utilise their last minute free time as much as possible. Groove encourages drop-in, please check the tab "Classes" at the menu bar for class availability.
$36 (payment by PayNow) / lesson (which is 1 hour) for pole dance lesson, aerial lesson or choreography class.
$28 (payment by PayNow) / lesson for stretch & strengthening class.
Payment for Drop-In Class
Simple steps for drop-in payment: CHECK the class calendar, DOWNLOAD or SCAN Groove QR code for payment or pay to UEN T24LL0311G Groove Studio LLP, indicate the day & time at the reference field at payment stage and SHOW UP in class.
WA us at 80204587 for any enquiry.
(Note that the fee paid is non-refundable and class booked is not replaceable.)

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